Wednesday, March 19, 2025


I finally received the 2 last bolts from Jaftex - one in
black and one in white.  The black was what I was
waiting for to start working with "Fire Alarm".
For once I decided to make the pattern shown with 
the fabric collection on the Jaftex site.
This quilt is all put together and it's waiting to be
quilted - hopefully, this weekend.
"Fire Alarm" continued ...
This is beginning of the 3rd quilt.
The 2nd quilt top [using the panel] is done.
It's almost spring and next up on the project list is this
collection called "Autumn Vibes".
I ordered pre-cut forms to use for making the 4 placemats.  
These are great and I'll share a photo of the package later
should anyone want to make perfect placemats.

I finished working with the "Born to be Wild" collection.
I have two little quilts made using the leftover fabric
that still need to be quilted.
"Born to be Wild"
I'm re-making this quilt pattern using the "Fire Alarm" 
collection.  It's super-easy and what's cool is this pattern
can be made in any size you need.

Thursday, March 13, 2025

My Very Silly Monster Shapes from Henry Glass Fabrics


This is actually the back of the quilt which I needed a small amount 
of Peppered Cotton in a light brown to make it long enough.

Here are a few of the photo's turned in to Jaftex to use
to promote this line.
I did use every square inch of fabric in this line.

My little Dutch Iris are in full bloom.

I love the bright colors in this collection.
The soft book, pillowcase and quilt will make a nice
gift for one of the kids at camp next year.

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Bagged & Ready to Go!


So this is what 140 quilts look like all bagged and ready for delivery
to Nicole at The Hole in the Wall Gang.  I did send her this
photo asking if this was just too darn many for the driver
to take back to Connecticut.  I'm waiting for her answer.
I still have over 100 quilts in my closet I'm saving
for next year when the Maryland camp opens.

Friday, March 7, 2025

Misc. Stuff


This Scottie quilt was a hard one to part with.
Quilts don't need to be complicated to be cute.
This was made for a FB friend who lives in Florida but came up to 
John Hopkins in Baltimore for a hip replacement.  She has several
of my quilts and when they travel by RV she takes them with
her.  My quilts have traveled more than me!
She received this two days ago.  I sent it to her SIL to take
to her while she is in recovery from surgery.  
Derby is still hanging in there.  We don't know how much longer he has.
He can't see, can't hear, has a bad heart and bad teeth.  He will
be 16 in May.
I've have several collections I'm working with now.  
This one just came in and I started working with it right
away.  The soft book is done plus I had enough fabric
left over to make a pillowcase.  I have the quilt ready
to be quilted as well as 5 others that I had in a stack.
The designer of this collection "My Silly Monster Shapes"
in a FB friend.  He's a great guy that teaches kids to draw.

The Hole in the Wall Gang Kids Camp 

I picked 140 quilts from the 230 in my storage closet.
Since our Maryland camp won't open until 2026 
I felt it was time to move some of them out
to make room for more.
Next week I set up a drop-off time 
at the Wye Mills location of the camp.  
Nicole, my contact will hand these off to the person
driving from the Connecticut camp.  The 140 quilts
 is a good starting point for that camp. I need
to ask just how many quilts they use per season.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Finished + 2 New Collections

"Country Fair"
I'm playing catch-up since we came back from vacation.
I wanted to make this quilt entirely of houses
{like the pattern suggested} but needed to get this one
done quickly so I cheated and added filler blocks.

I only have the top done - it needs to be quilted and bound
when I get myself caught up ... someday!
While away 2 new collections arrived.
This one is "Born to be Wild"
I have extra panels which will be given to the guild.
I pulled a pattern for this collection and made a test block 
today.  I liked it so I'll be going forward
with this one ... so stay tuned.
"Fire Alarm"
Our guild meeting is held in a fire house so this
quilt [and probably one more] will be saved for the 
guild's hand made sale in November.

I know 2 more collections are on the way to me
so I'd better stay focused and get these projects done.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Sparkles & Bolts


Wilson added to my collection of Roberto Coin jewelry.
This was my Valentine's Day gift - he got a box of chocolates.
I'm still missing 3 bolts from Jaftex. One basic black,
one basic white plus one 118" with a small leaf print.
It's tough to pick out fabrics that will be used as 'blenders'
for the year.  But I'll make due, I'm sure!
That's it until we get back from our smooth jazz cruise.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

"Love Never Fails"


This is the collection "Love Never Fails" from Blank Quilting.
I'm doing my very best to get things semi-wrapped up 
before we go on vacation.
This pattern is simple and quick.  I made 2 quilts and will
finish them when we get back. 

This is the 2nd quilt and because they have a
religious theme I'm not sure what to do with them.

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Not Much Sewing


Progress Shot:  Country Fair
Haven't been doing much sewing because I'm not feeling 
great.  It's either my tooth or my sinus - at this point it's hard
to tell.  Of course, we are leaving on the 17th for our cruise.
This is excellent quality flannel.  These pillowcases were made 
for a a little guy who one day hopes to be a marine biologist.
He loves all things fish.
This is done for the moment.  I have extra fabric to add another 
border or two at some point.  The center four stars are a
panel and the top and bottom 'v' blocks are leftovers
from the heart block quilt I made. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Think Summer


Six zinnia pillowcases are ready for a summer bed.

Taking a break from my Jaftex sewing projects I worked with
summer flower fabric.  

This angel quilt is going to someone who kitty passed away.

I kept one of the bird table runner for myself.
The other two were gifted.

Seed Packet Quilt
I changed the border from what the pattern suggested
which I like better.  Everything you see in this post
was sent as a gift to someone in Washington state.
I'll let you know who that was when the box
is delivered next week.