Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Meet Louis Wellington

Dear Julep and Derby,
I'm so glad we've found your blog! You and Derby seem to have so much fun, and my mom and I have enjoyed learning so much about westies from you and Katie. I am anxiously awaiting the new grooming tools and treats Katie suggested for me, and I'm quite sure that in no time I'll be looking quite debonair.

Stay warm up there in St. Michaels. It looks like you two got even more snow than I did!

Louis Wellington
Isn't Louis a handsome looking westie?
He lives in Roanoke, Virginia and will be 1 year old in August.

1 comment:

  1. Louis is tickled pink that he, Julep & Derby have now officially become friends! AND...he is under the impression that he is a star now that his picture is on your blog. Silly boy :)
