Friday, May 7, 2010

An Evening Out With Our Westies

... Enjoying an evening out with our westies ...
Yes, Ava's pizza is as good as it looks!
... Carefully baked in a wood-burning oven ...
... Julep & Derby are always the center of attention ...
... I just had to have one of these ...
... After dinner we went for a walk ...
Can you guess what Julep is watching in the tree? If you guessed squirrel, then you guessed right!  We've never seen a squirrel so brave as to run between two westies to get up into the tree.  We're thankful they were both looking in the opposite direction when this happened.


  1. Woooos Westies! Yum Pizza! I hope woo got some too. As to that squirrel, that is one lucky squirrel...
    ~husky kisses~
    -Kira The BeaWootiful

  2. Julep and Derby, did you really get to eat that pizza? It looks yummy and i don¨t even get to sniff at a pizza before my mommy says NO!!!!! I put on a bit of weight so i am on a diet....

    Your guys are really cute!
