Wednesday, April 20, 2011


 ... Rub-a-dub-dub ... 
I've got one westie just out of the tub!
Derby is really a good little westie when I give him a bath ... but after I release him from the towel you better not get in his way.  He loves to roll around and self-dry his fur on anything but the towel I have out for him.  Of course I let him get all his energy out before I pick him up and head for the grooming table for a blow dry and brush out.  Wonder if he knows how darn good he has it?


  1. That sounds like Duke. As soon as he gets out of that tub look out. He goes nuts on the towel, the rug or anything else he can find.

  2. I agree with Derby, towels are boring, rugs and sofas are much better !

  3. Monty does the same - occasionally he has rolled so much in the grass outside he is dirtier than before he got the bath. Those are two bath days for him!

