Wednesday, August 27, 2014

There goes the layout!

 I had the snowball blocks done for some time and decided
it was time to wrap up some projects I had started.
 Action shot.
 I still can't figure out why they like to play
among my hanging pants.
 They did an excellent job at messing up my layout.
This made me re-think and then change my design.
This quilt top is completed and is waiting at my sewing
machine to be quilted.  What I realized was that I completely
skipped Halloween and went right into Christmas ... so I'm now
working on two small Halloween quilts to send out to the
grand kids in California.  There mom said they love to have
my quilts laying on their beds ... how sweet.


  1. Your design Guess they didn't care for the first layout you had

  2. Nice to know that the kids appreciate your efforts!!
