Tuesday, January 27, 2015

A Tiny Amount of Snow

 I sent Kaitlyn a text this morning showing Flat Stanley 
enjoying the snow ... he couldn't wait to come in.
 Derby sniffing the snow.  He would live outside if I let him.
 Not much snow ... so we dodged the snow
bullet once again.  I'm hoping we don't have a
blizzard the week we move ... which is soon!
 The best way to enjoy the beauty of the snow is
from the inside.  I will miss these large windows
as will the westies.   But in the rental they will have
much more to look at like folks taking a walk
around the hood.  Since we are on the main road into
the development they will have the opportunity to see so
much more.  We are working on positioning of furniture now
so they will have a good visual.

 Could there be something resting under the deck to
get both Julep and Derby's attention?
Have a nice day and thanks for visiting.
Back to packing boxes and moving them into storage.


  1. BOL Molly would say a good visual is essential. Have a terrific Tuesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. Stanley looks like he enjoyed his first snow experience. Duke was like Derby, he loved being outside, especially in the winter
