Thursday, February 26, 2015

Unpacking Boxes

 Boxes ... Boxes ... Boxes
Normally I would be making trips to the recycle center with
unpacked boxes but with another move scheduled in a year{or so}
 I've been breaking down the boxes and storing in closets.
 The westies are getting use to the new house.  There have
been a few 'accidents' but it's understandable.
 If you can believe it this area actually looks good.
 I have to say I like the layout of this house but the
cleaning after the last tenants wasn't the best.  Thus,
I've been doing a lot of cleaning then unpacking
and putting away.  The cleaning wasn't something
I expected but it is what it is and I'm dealing.
What a luxury {as silly as this sounds] to have the
street plowed without calling [or paying someone]
to do it.  Living in [what I call] civilation does have
its perks.  I still have a ton of work to do here and
haven't even started cleaning my sewing area.


  1. Hope you settle in soon. Have a fabulous Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. Hope you settle is nicely! Have a great weekend!!

  3. moving isn't a fun time but you gotta do what you gotta do :)
