Monday, October 10, 2016

 It was a pretty yucky Saturday and Sunday.  We had rain, wind,
and colder then normal temperatures for this time of year.
I'm not ready to put away my sandals yet.
Derby in his little bed under my cutting table.
 I made a few table runners for the community yard sale
on Saturday.  I started selling stuff at 7a.m. and when the rain
hit I pulled everything back into the garage and finally
closed up shop at 10a.m.  Total made: $103.  This cash is a nice
addition for my Lancaster fabric shopping trip with
sister Debby on Thursday.  On this outing I will be searching
for bargin priced fabric at no more than $5/yard.
Shopping on-line has spoiled me but I might just have
to pay full price if there is a piece I totally fall in love with.
 In the continuing effort to clean out left-over pieces of
fabric I threw together this simple Thanksgiving quilt.
The back fabric was found on the 'free' table at the Guild meeting.
It works perfectly with this quilt.  This quilt doesn't have a
home so ... if anyone can use it ... let me know.

1 comment:

  1. It's been much colder here than it was. I'm not ready to put away the sandals yet either.
    Good job on the yard sale.
