Tuesday, November 3, 2020

From the Sewing Studio


I'm always busy doing something in my sewing studio and
if I'm not . . . then I'm really cranky [just ask Wilson!].
I ordered 5 of the westie in the window panels.  One was already
donated to a rescue FB auction and this one I decided will go to
the breeder of Derby's dad.  I think [and hope] she likes the
surprise I will be mailing to her soon.

It's a bummer but we are not having family in for Thanksgiving
this year.  I'm pretty certain a lot of families will be faced
with the same situtation.

Since my sister is having her son and his girlfriend over for dinner
I made her a table runner and a set of placemats and napkins.
I figured I couldn't be there physically at least I could be in spirit.

I started making holiday masks for my nephew's girl {Dara} who is a vet.
I plan on making enough for her to give out to the entire office.
Tis the Season
I started on the production of little stuffed holiday dogs.  
Everyone seems to fall in love with them because they are so cute! 
Of course I'll take care of the girls at Julep and Derby's vet 
office as well as Dara and her office.  It's been a very strange and stressful
year for all kinds of reasons.   My sewing [as simple as it is] and the
act of giving to those that don't expect it could
make all the difference in the world to a person
going thru a personal issue.  

As the motto goes ...
Practice random acts of kindness
senseless acts of beauty.
I leave you with that thought.

1 comment:

  1. You'll be making holidays brighter with your wonderful gifts.
