Wednesday, June 29, 2011

MacDuffy is Ready for the 4th of July

 For the past two days I had the pleasure of checking in on MacDuffy while his mom and dad had something very important to take care of.
 MacDuffy is one smart westie!  He knew I had treats in my pocket and wasn't happy until he had them all ... I finally had to show him the empty plastic bag before he believe me!
 While walking MacDuffy around the yard I snapped photo's of all the 4th of July decoration that adorned Cindy & Ed's property.  If I took photo's of every decoration {inside and out} I still would be taking photo's.   What holiday spirit!
Red, White & Blue

A house of stars or should it be a star's house?
 More stars decorated the house front.
 The tree trunks had decorations and flags were placed throughout the yard.
MacDuffy checking to be sure the stars are perfect.
 Cindy & Ed celebrate the 4th of July every year with a big party.  Family and friends enjoy the decorations, food,  a parade around the property and fireworks at dusk.  I have it on good authority {thanks MacDuffy} that the fireworks this year will be bigger than years past.

 Who do you see, MacDuffy?
 Cindy's Garden Flowers

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