Saturday, January 21, 2012

Something Not Right With The Fit!

Branching out from my normal sewing [of you know what] I decided
 to try my hand at making a fleece coat for one of the westies.

I studied at the pattern pieces and figured out that a medium would
probably fit Julep.  Was I way off base and as you'll see
 from this photo series the medium barely fit Derby.

xxx Scratch This Sewing Project xxx

 {Maybe a medium for a midget dog!}
Well we didn't have to get the scissors but it was a
struggle to get this off Derby.  I'm thinking of 
sending this to a small breed rescue group.


  1. Duke says to tell Derby that he has a pink snuggie and it's ok, real guys can wear

  2. Now this is exactly the reason why my Momma hasn't made me my dress yet. Your Momma can Momma can't and she's too scared to try cause she knows I'll laugh at her when it turns out all wrong. BOL

    That coat did look awfully nice though....maybe you can lose some weight??


  3. I think I know what pattern you used because I had the same problem when I made it for my Westie. In fleece, she needs a large... if you use a knit, like a rib knit or t-shirt knit, they take a medium.

  4. Oh but he looks so cute! If I'm making something new Daisy I always make it a size bigger than I need because it invariably comes out smaller and if not I can always take it in.

  5. GET THE SCISSORS! I hope they got it off you. We won't tell anyone about the pink...

  6. Those pictures are so cute - those Westies obviously love you VERY much to tolerate that treatment. JoAnn
