Thursday, January 12, 2012

Westies, Deer Herd and Squirrels

 Photo's from a few days ago when we had multiple visitors to the yard
which was pure entertainment for the westies {a herd of deer and squirrels}.
All this made the westies dizzy with excitement.
 Can you spot the deer in this photo?
This is 1 of 6 that came by to snack on various goodies in our woods.
I managed to get my camera before the westies knew Mr. Deer was so very close
... then all hell broke loose as you can only imagine!
 If the herd of deer wasn't bad enough ... the squirrels decided to torment them even more.
 These little fur-creatures don't care about the dogs barking.
 They will sit up in the tree [by the deck] and just look down at J&D.
One of these days they're going to slip off that branch into the mouths
of two eager and squirrel hungry westies.
 Running as the deer run through the woods.
 That look on Derby's face is saying ... deer alert, deer alert!
 Through the woods and across our driveway into our neighbors woods.
On Another Note
This is the latest dress with matching headband I made for my
friend [Gail's] niece who is into cheer leading.
I'm currently working on a ruffled skirt, slacks, top & headband using 
Valentine's Day fabric with little white dogs, hearts, & I Woof You.


  1. S-Q-U-I-R-R-E-L !!!!! Gotta get 'em! The deer...kinda too big fur me to handle!

  2. That is enuff for a terrier meltdown!
    You should hear us squeal when we see a deer and those darn squirrels should just be banned from the planet!

    Wyatt and Stanzie

  3. We must say you certainly capture some grrrreat photos of those fabulous pooches!

    Roodles, Stuart

  4. We must say you certainly capture some grrrreat photos of those fabulous pooches!

    Roodles, Stuart
