Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Hi-Ho Hi-Ho Off To Quilting I Shall Go!

 Derby is trying to fit himself into my quilting bag
so he could go to class with me.  The fabric here will be
used for my backing and my border in this class.
 Blocks for my next quilt.
 JoAnn talking to Alice {below} about the quilt she made in the last class.

 Sherry quilted an American Girl doll jacket.
I would have never thought about doing that.
 Examples of different designs for the quilt blocks we 
are currently working on.  It's all in the placement [you know].

 With a vast about of fabric in every color and pattern you can
possibly image it's hard to pick what you want to use.
 Sherry tempting us with more fabric choices!
 Alice helping with a fabric question.

 My blocks laid out.
Now it's time to sew them all together.
I'm praying they'll meet nice and neat in the corners.

 Sherry is designing a fall program to teach young girls how to sew.
This would be an after school class held at the YMCA in Easton.
We are looking at using the concept of American Girl clothing to
teach the basics of sewing in a few short hours.
 JoAnn & I volunteered to be helpers.

 Chris is showing one of the quilts that was made for the
Community Outreach program which she has
a great passion for.  I wonder just how many quilts
have been given out over the years.
 At the meeting Laura was telling Guild members about the YMCA
quilting classes [that's the class JoAnn and I are in].
 JoAnn showed members what we created and
expressed thanks to all those who volunteered
to make this class possible and fun.
JoAnn did a great job and everyone was impressed.

 Member Quilt
There were so many I just put in a few.
 Member Quilt

Quilting With A Hon
Guest Speaker
 These are examples of Pat's quilts.
She told us her story about learning
various techniques as well as learning to play with color balance.
What I gathered from this talk was that quilting is a
constant learning process of different techniques,
patterns and styles.
 Pat's First Quilt
All pieces are hand quilted!
 Everyone should have a Polk-a-dot car according to Pat.
Pat has been know to sew a few 18" doll outfits
 although her true passion is for creating items a lot larger than this.

Pat Hersl can be found on Facebook by searching for:
Quilting With A Hon
[Pat is originally from Baltimore and if you know
 anyone from Baltimore everyone is 'Hon']

About Pat

She's a Baltimore girl who learned applique at the knee of Mimi Dietrich
 and is forever grateful.  Now she takes what she learned from many years of 
practice to students everywhere.
Quilting with a Hon has classes for both piecing and applique.
Pat wants to share her love of fabric and sewing
 and give her students the most comprehensive and quality-filled courses she can.
Company Overview
A vast spectrum of classes designed to teach precision methods, 
control and ease of quilting. Most classes are designed for 
beginners and confident beginners, although quilters of all levels
 have attended and learned from the lessons and methods taught.


  1. Wow! I've been trying to take a class for a while now, but the beginners classes always run on nights I have something else. Those quilts are really beautiful!


  2. So many pretty quilts! I'm just getting back into sewing...maybe I should take a class...

    Wyatt's mom

  3. I would so love to learn to quilt. I just love all the ones you have shown here
