Sunday, March 18, 2012

Sailing Into Spring

 We ready to sail into spring which means our countdown clicker
 will be changed to start the countdown to Easter.

I have to admit Julep looks great on the sail of this yacht.
The photo I used to create this picture is the photo directly below.
The 'drop-in' stock photography site is:
 Doesn't Julep look excited spring is here?
Spring blooms around the yard.

 The weeping cherry is full of busy bees.
 Making the colors a little brighter and deeper.
 This photo was placed into a drop shadow frame.
 I had so many photo's of the magnolia I took
 a few and used the newly added special
effects Picasa included in their recent upgrade.

 A watercolor paintings.

Thanks For Visiting
Happy Spring

1 comment:

  1. the flowers are all gorgeous but the one of Julep on the sail is totally awesome
