Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Westies, American Girl Outfits & Fabric Shopping!

 Julep is watching me pack my bags
because I'm heading to my sisters on
Thursday afternoon.  We're going fabric
shopping Friday.
 Julep decided to sit pretty for the camera.
 Julep will be 5 years old on the 25th!

 ... Now on to completed sewing projects ...
 Just had to get these done before I left.
 The westie dress and hat will be sent to 
Westie Rescue Austin, TX.
 I glued tiny blue crystals to the ribbons on the westies neck.
 I had enough fabric left over to make a hobo bag.
 Getting ready for 4th of July with a pleated skirt.
 Silky summer p.j.'s.
 This fabric was on the free table at our last quilting meeting.
Making my fabric shopping list
and I'm checking it twice!

 Deb & I are so excited about our
shopping trip.  The two stores on our
list are Burkholders & Saunders
in Denver, PA.
 We can't wait to see all the new fabrics!
The Fabric Store Poem
 My bathroom's full of bottle of pills
they'll cure all kinds of aches and ills
This ones for this, that one's for that
Got enough pills to fill a hat
I don't take them, not anymore
Not since I went to the fabric store
The colors soothe me, the fabric so grand
while at the cutting table I stand
I don't need a pill my sanity to keep
I don't need a pill to help me sleep
With my large stash I can sew at will
There's just no time to take a pill
 Have a great day and
thanks for stopping by my blog.


  1. Have a good time fabric shopping! How fun to be able to go with your sister! I love all the adorable "rescue" outfits you made! Even better that you were able to make them from the "free fabric" table from quilt guild. I love it when we recycle.

    Enjoy your sis time!

  2. Pills are not our fav topic at the moment. Glad you don't need to take them. Happy fabric shopping. Have a terrific Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. love the poem! it is so true, our hobbies keep us saint. Have fun shopping!

  4. I know I don't have to say it but have a great time fabric shopping. Love that poem so cute and true
