Don't Wake Me Up ... Derby
If you remember [in one of my previous posts] I
it's a piece of cake ... but for me it's torture. I seriously think it
has to do with the time I was born: 5:39a.m.!
Today {Monday} we need to be up by 6:30a.m. for a
Lowe's delivery at 7:30a.m. at the new house. Coming off the
truck was a toilet, sink, and faucet for the powder room and a workshop
station {I don't know what you really call it} as well as a cabinet
for storage ... all for the man cave section of the garage.
I'll post a photo of that later.
truck was a toilet, sink, and faucet for the powder room and a workshop
station {I don't know what you really call it} as well as a cabinet
for storage ... all for the man cave section of the garage.
I'll post a photo of that later.
So since I was up and at the new house I started
re-cleaning all the kitchen cabinets inside and out. The fine dust
from the floor sanding made it's way into everything.
This photo was taken with my iPhone while standing
at my kitchen sink. Out on the pier that white looking thing
is a white egret. He spent a good part of the day there.
So we had Lowe's at 7:30 and at 1:30 we had a
freight truck deliver our new breakfast nook table.
Wilson needs my help to put it together as well as the
three bar stools that are in boxes in my laundry room.
I ran out of shelf liner so I made a quick trip to Target
where I proceeded to run into Susan who would have been our
neighbor at the lot on Riverview. On the way home
I went by the storage unit and picked up a few boxes of books.
The empty space to the left is waiting for the refrigerator.
Also on the schedule for this week is a meeting
with the landscaper, a meeting with the contractor,
and the wallpaper guy will start in the powder room.
In all this craziness we had to show the rental house
to a couple who is looking to move to
the area in early December. We are working on
details to see if we can make all this happen.
sorry you had to get up so early. I remember way back when I wasn't a morning person. It was torture getting up early. Now after starting work at 6 for the past 18 years I love my mornings