Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Dinner at The Rundown Cafe

 Monday night only at the Rundown Cafe is
fried chicken night.  Lots of locals dine there and
the place was packed.  Wilson ordered fried chicken
and I ordered the coconut tossed fried chicken sandwich
[pictured below].
 We will go back to this restaurant.  It's really one of those
'dives' you ride past unless someone tells you how good
the food really is.  That was us in this case.
 Both Wilson and our friend [also named Katie] loved
the chicken platter.
 Charlie [Katie's husband] ordered the fish taco.
This is from last night.  The osprey hangs out on a dead branch
not far from our deck.  I know they can't pick up a 'westie' but
it still makes me nervous when he starts circling looking
for his/her next meal.
The morning rain has stopped so we're hoping for
a break because the westies want to go for a walk.
They have been out twice in the rain for a 'piddle'
and have come back in soaking wet.   I may get
in a little sewing today.

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