Sunday, May 22, 2016

Westies and Finished Quilts

 Derby is celebrating his 7th birthday this week.
He still has the look of a puppy and is still that
little heartbeat at my feet.  I love my little guy.
My 'go to' pattern when  I want to use the rest of a
particular line of  leftover fabric.
 At least the back fabric is a little calmer in color.
 Bird quilt #1.  I like this line of fabric and noticed
it's still on sale but I'm finished with it [at least for now].
 The back of Quilt #1
 This is bird Quilt #2.  I accidentally trashed the
front picture so I need to re-take it at some point.
 I started two quilts today that will be exactly the same.  They
are going to our neighbors grand daughters who are still
using the Valentine's Day quilts I made for them.
I felt it was time for the girls to have new summer quilts.
Derby looks great on bright colors but then Derby
looks great on any color or pattern. 
 Julep needed a head rest so she made one.
Under my sewing table ... Derby sleeps.
That's all for today - wishing everyone a great week ahead.

1 comment:

  1. Love all your quilts. You do such nice work.
    Give Derby some birthday belly rubs from me and an extra hug or two :)
