Saturday, June 25, 2016

Nothing Much

 It's been pretty quiet around the old homestead.
Derby went to the groomer on Friday at 9am and I
was picking him up at 10!  He was exhausted and fell
asleep next to my sewing machine table.
 Wilson received a good report on his follow-up doctor's appointment
post-surgery. The stitches were removed but he still has swelling on that leg.  
 It was suggested to keep the leg propped up [more] and use a ice pack.
My New Pallet of Fabric!
Just kidding, of course.  I have an obsession for fabric but seriously
 not that much of an obsession.  This picture is snagged from a
Facebook post from a store I monitor. 
Have a great Saturday 


  1. glad to hear Wilson got a good report at the doctors.

  2. I wouldn't know where to start with all that fabric!

    Good news on Wilson! We'll keep paws crossed that the swelling goes down.

    Monty, Harlow and Ramble
