Thursday, July 14, 2016

It's Thursday: Part #2

 Today is not going to be a good day for Julep.  She was just
dropped off at the vet for her first dental cleaning.  She'll be
there most of the day at a cost of about $500.00.  At least
the vet will do a complete blood test, urine test, clean her
ears [which don't need it] do her nails and do a deep cleaning
below the gum line and remove any teeth that need to come out.
She is already on antibiotics due to a tooth that came out last
week [that root that didn't look good].  I do brush their
teeth but she had what they call a 'slab fracture' for some time
in one of her back molars.  Since dogs can't move the jaw like
us humans [from side to side] and they can only move the
jaw [up and down] she chomped on a marrow bone the wrong 
way a few years ago.  I've been waiting for that slab fractured
tooth to pop out and it did.  Poor little Julep.
 Here is fabric order 3 of 3.  This group came from
 Our living room drapes should be installed sometime next
week so I'm hoping one of these fabrics will work so 
I can make toss pillows for the sofa.
 The drapery fabric is gray and yellow.  I forgot to take a photo of the 
sample fabric.  I blame that on a senior moment.

 Talk about girly fabric.  I have no plans for this yet.
 This fabric will be used for our neighbors grand daughters
holiday quilts.  I have the front done now I just need to piece
this together with the other owl fabric to complete the back.


  1. aw poor Julep. That owl fabric is so cute

  2. Give sweet little Julep a hug from me and Finlay! I have news! We're adopting Finlay's mama Mustang Sally! So happy.
    I have a little something for you and I need your new address. Could you email it to me, pretty please?

