Saturday, July 16, 2016


 Everything has been pretty quiet since Julep had her dental
on Thursday ... Derby is scheduled for this coming Thursday.
 I received a message from a Facebook friend explaining in some
detail the drama that unfolded around one of the west coast
westie rescues.  I won't go into detail but another rescue group
has now formed in it's place and is looking for donation to help
get funding since it's basically starting from a zero revenue base.
I made this quilt in preparation for that auction and last night
I finished up four matching napkins to go with the quilt.
 Actually Julep is feeling better today but this is pretty much
all she did yesterday.  She's on antibiotics and two different
types of pain meds.  She had one infected tooth that needed to
come out which I didn't know was infected.  The final bill
came to $700 and the most costly item was $200 for a senior
blood panel.  I'm betting Derby's will be close to that as well.

 This quilt has whimsy with a touch of glitz.  I tried to capture the gold
in the circles but didn't.  Today I going to play with another layout
using these fabrics since I have enough to make another top. 
 Julep is sleeping on the back fabric for this quilt.
 Friday night sunset over the ponds at Back Creek Landing.
 Wilson's daughter [Sarah] and the kids moved out of
their home and into a rental house due to divorce.  I thought
it would be nice to send a box of Cheryl's Cookies to the
kids as a 'happy new house' gift.  Here is Cole with a
lemon sugar cookie.  Why I didn't order box of cookies
for us is beyond me!
Here is Kaitlyn with a strawberry sugar cookie.  If you
haven't had a Cheryl's cookie you owe it to yourself to
order a box.  This particular box was on special for $38
with free shipping for 38 assorted sugar cookies with
butter cream icing.  As you know I'm a baker and I
couldn't make a better butter cream icing.  Sarah sent
me a text saying the kids want me to send more cookies.  
Of course I will since their house seems to be the
magnet for all the kids in the new neighborhood.  They
now can walk to school which is only two blocks away.


  1. Oh my gosh those cookies look delicious!

    Your quilts are always so pretty!

    Monty, Harlow and Ramble

  2. I adore the quilt. It should help the new rescue group get off to a wonderful start!

  3. The cookies sure sound good
