Sunday, August 21, 2016


 Since Wilson's been away I've been cleaning and sewing with
cleaning out weighing sewing if you can believe that.  One of the
things I did was wash all the dog bedding.  Here you see Julep in
a spot that is primarily occupied by Derby.  He fell asleep on the
sofa and didn't want to be disturbed.
Remember this stack of 2-1/2" strips?  Below is stack #1
made up.  I decided who will receive this when complete
and I also decided what stack #2 will be used for.

 I went through another roll of Warm & Natural batting.
JoAnn's on-line offered free shipping so I took advantage of that.  
The shipping weight is 30 pounds and it's nice to
have the box dropped at my door step.
 Cutting batting and getting ready for the next step.

Well, that's it for today ... Wilson is on the choo-choo coming
home from NYC.  Here are three of the photo's he sent me.
 The new World Trade Building
Hopefully, I'll get to go to the City next time.
Pet sitters book up in advance around here.

1 comment:

  1. You must be Joann's best customer when it comes to batting with all the quilts you make :)
