Thursday, November 24, 2016

Turkey Day in NYC

 Today for Thanksgiving dinner we met grand daughter Daisy
[left] her art school friend [Ari who is from Greece] and
Ariel [Daisy's high school friend from LA].  We took everyone
to an early dinner at the Capital Grill in the Time Life Bldg.
which was just a few short blocks from our hotel.  They took
an Über from Greenwich Village.  We had a good time and
I made Ari promise when he becomes a famous artist
he'll give me one of his works.
 Walking back from dinner we stopped briefly to take
a few night pictures with our iPhones.
 The sidewalks weren't that busy and there
was only a short line at Radio City.

We'll catch up with Daisy and Ariel sometime on Friday
afternoon for a late lunch and a little tour of Parson's.
Hope everyone had a nice turkey day.

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