Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Pillowcases & New Mixer!

 I attempted [for the first time] working with corduroy and have to
say this will probably be the last time.  Now this fabric was on
sale for only $2.99 per yard so I don't feel bad it turned out just ok.  
I decided to put fleece on the back but it stretched out while I
was putting on the border so I cut it off and simply used my serger
to finish up the edges.  I will leave it as it is.
 I decided to pull my dog themed fabric out to make pillowcases
and then cut the rest into various sizes of blocks for future kids quilts.
 Derby ... looking not happy.
 Julep ... under the chair in my sewing room.
 These are the cases I've done so far.  I have three more
to finish in the dog-theme category.  I still need to call
John Hopkins Children's Hospital to see what they need.
My sister did tell me they get lots of stuff which I can
understand since it's a world renown hospital.
 Wilson's Xmas gift to me.
Wilson was listening to the KA mixer while I was making cookies
last week.   My Kitchen Aid has been in use for at least 17 years
and the motor sounds stressed.   I would always pray that I
would make it through finishing up what I had in the bowl.
Wilson ordered the pasta attachments as well as
the meat grinding attachments.  Something fun
to play with during the cold and snowy winter months.

1 comment:

  1. You got the Mac-Daddy mixer. What a nice gift! You'll have fun with that in the coming months.

    Shelley is enjoying her pillow cases so much. I keep meaning to get a good photo, but since we're moving her into another dorm next week I'll remember to take photos so you can see them. (Many of the girls are moving around....the college lets them as they've met new friends and they want to be close to them)...

    Happy New Year! Enjoy your party tonight!

    Ricki Jill

    PS. Poor little Finlay's ear was cut buy the groomer today. I'm mad as heck!
