Thursday, December 7, 2017

One Less on the UFO Stack

 Another oldie photo I'm fond of ... Julep
 One less quilt is now officially off the UFO stack.
 My Facebook Westie group reached 8,700 members so I
decided to use this quilt as a Flash give-a-way to members 
to show my appreciation to the group.  A random winner
will be picked Friday at 6p.m.
This morning I found Derby under the dining room table after he
ate breakfast.  He does enjoy napping there from time to time.  


  1. Finished projects always make me happy and Julep and Derby always make me smile

  2. Derby needs his quiet time! You are so sweet and generous. I saw that on FB and whoever wins will be so lucky like me! I'm enjoying the quilt you gave me today. It's been a day by the fire, watching the show and Hallmark movies, and making treats for neighbors.
