Monday, September 30, 2019

Stacked Stone Wall

 This is the second pallet of stone for the stacked wall.
 We decided that 2 pallets didn't make enough height
so our guy is going to pick up a 3rd pallet.
 The addition of this simple paver walkway on either side of
the driveway is so well worth not having to get out of the
car and step into the grass/mud.
 This is the bed on the other side of the driveway.   It originally
had a large and messy river birch tree with roots pushing
up the asphalt of the driveway [not good].  I was glad to see that tree
removed.   I found a photo of a stacked stone bench and should
we have stone leftover our landscaper will make it for me.
 Everyone agreed that another layer of stacked stone is needed.
 There will be a load of good soil added to the existing
terrible soil.  We know there is wiring under this area
and are waiting for Miss Utility to come out and mark
the exact spot before digging deep.
The morning neighborhood watch on duty.

1 comment:

  1. I like the way that is looking but yes, another layer of stone would be better.
