Saturday, September 21, 2019

Things Going On ...

 Here is Wilson's new getaway car.  It has a brown and tan
interior and I love the split screen nav system.
 We traded in my Lexus which had over 102,000 miles.
I got Wilson's  Lexus SUV with 68,000 miles and 
he got this new 2019 Lexus with only 8 miles on it.
 The technology changes alone was worth it.
The best feature I like on his model is the blind spot
monitor.  Maybe I'll get a new SUV someday. 
 Yesterday we took the new Lexus out for a spin.
We went to Walgreen's to pick up my new prescription for
high blood pressure pills.  {I don't think this is a bad
thing since I'm 65 and this is the first prescription drug
that I'll need to take.} We also got Flu Shots and then
since I was whining about his new car, my flu shot and
my blood pressure med he took me to a fancy place for lunch.
When we came home after lunch our next door neighbor
was having their driveway sealed so we asked the guys
if they had time to do ours as well and they did.
It looks nice and it truly needed it.  On Monday is the start of
landscaping work along our front walkway.  We actually
wanted to have this work done since we moved in.  
First step is the addition of a small stone stacked
wall to keep the added soil and mulch in place
due to a slight slop of our property.  The planting
material will be simple and easy to maintain. 
Now back to our lunch ...
Wilson opted for the salmon appetizer and the salmon
entree.  I went for the Wagyu burger [medium] and it
was served well done.  It was a disappointment and for those
prices I should have sent it back!

Hopefully, I'll have some time to play in my sewing
room.  I have a several small projects to work on.

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