Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Workin' My Sewing Machine

 I offered to make the kids at The Child's Haven Xmas stockings
this year.  They requested 70 ... I made 73!  It was a great
way to use up all the left over pieces of holiday fabric.
 Julep in black and white in the guest room.
 Derby under the guest room table.
He's either waiting for Julep or hiding from her.
 The Child's Haven has a continuing wish list and on that list is
bibs that have snaps.  Here are most of them ... I sent a total of 21
in the box with the stockings.  On the back I used terry towel
material I picked up from JoAnn's.  Boy, that was really
messy to work with and I'm guessing because it wasn't
[what I would consider] great quality.
I have all my projects complete and am looking for
something else to make so I think I'll work with more
of my Christmas fabrics to get that stash down.


  1. You've been busy. That's a lot of stockings. I'm sure every child who gets one will be thrilled with it.

  2. Hi Katie, I just thought of you when I was going through an email I get about different places in Pennsylvania. There was a link to a fabric outlet in Lancaster and I wondered if you and your sister had ever gone to it on one of your trips. It's called Zinck's Fabric outlet.
