Monday, October 21, 2019

Meet Little RJ the Westie Puppy

Nothing cuter than a westie puppy.
I've been helping dear friends [Leslie & Stan] find a
westie puppy in Florida.  One of my suggested contacts
came through and now little R.J. [short for Rocky Junior]
has found his forever home.
Opie's Story
When Stan & Leslie lived in Maryland [just a short distance from
me] Stan volunteered at the humane society near his home.
That is how little Opie came into their lives.  Someone dumped 
him at the shelter because he was in such bad shape and they
didn't want to deal with it.  Thank goodness Stan was there to
take him and nurse him back to health.  While Opie has some
fur not all of it has grown back.  He now 11 years old.
It was a very sad day when Rocky as well as brother Murphy
passed away.  That was almost 2 years ago and Stan felt
it was time to move on and get another westie.  As a little side
story Rocky was the first westie I had contact with and as
they say the rest is history.
Living the good life!
I know little RJ will be loved to the extreme and
only be given the best in life.  Since Stan & Leslie have
a motor home and like to travel the U.S. the westies
go along.  Actually, their pets have seen more
of the U.S. then I have!

That's your cuteness for today ... have a great one
and thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

  1. Aww, so cute. I remember when Duke was that little.
