Tuesday, June 23, 2020


The Easter Lily plants have so many blooms this year.
This makes me happy because I love flowers.

They must really love the spot I planted them in.

Coneflowers are a favorite because they add such a
beautiful touch of color to the garden.

Wilson received a surprise yesterday.  This arrangement
was sent to him for Father's Day from his daughter Sarah.
The lily is how open and the entire house smells so good.
Between the lily in the house and all the lilies blooming in the
garden I feel like I fell into a perfume bottle!

The color combination in this arrangement would certainly
work for a quilt.  Inspiration for starting to collect 
fabric in this color scheme.
Coneflowers in white.
These lilies are next to open and add to the fragrance in
the backyard.  All the buds are from just from one bulb
I planted several years ago.  I'm holding my breath so
they bloom before the over abundance of rabbits get them.

We also have two volunteer sunflower plants coming up from
seed that was fed to the birds during the winter.  There are
also several other types of lilies with buds on them as well
scattered throughout the garden.  

1 comment:

  1. The lilies are so pretty and coneflowers are a favorite if mine.
