Sunday, July 19, 2020

 I love looking up at the sky from our living room window ...
it's like watching a continual movie.
 The twins were playing out on the dock this morning and I
snapped this photo from the upstairs hallway through
the window I pictured above.  By the time I got down the
steps to go out on the porch they were on their merry way.
I made 14 masks for my nephews girlfriend who is a vet.
 I also had fun making her some 'exotic' pet masks.
This is in case she ever treats dinosaurs, unicorns,
or the ever elusive kitty-mermaid.
These I gave to my friend Leslie who stopped by this morning
with her two westies Opie and RJ.  They were scheduled to be
groomed in St. Michaels but the groomer forget the appointment.
Leslie drove 2 hours to get here, we visited for about 30 minutes
then she headed back to Ocean City.  They are leaving on
Thursday and taking the motor coach to Chicago to visit friends. 

1 comment:

  1. That view of the sky is awesome.
    That's a fun collection of masks.
    I think I would be quite upset if I drove 2 hours to find out the groomer forgot about my appointment. You would think she would have an appointment book with everyone written down.
