Monday, October 12, 2020

This is done and was made wider than normal.
I had to 'expand' the back fabric to accommodate the larger front.
 This was simply done by incorporating the leftover blocks
I had from the front and sew them down the center of the back fabric.
Halloween Masks ... have you made yours yet?
These will be mailed to my nephews girlfriend who is a vet.
I made a few extra ones for her to share with the office.
Derby ... sleeping by my feet.
Julep is feeling better after her dental procedure last week.
She lost two molars and is on antibiotics and pain meds.

Small Stockings = 14
These are slated for Outreach.  I plan to make more 
to add to the stack.
The Christmas quilts {above & below} are current works-in-progress.
I toyed with various designs around this panel but I
decided to go with a simple scrappy design.  This
helps me keeps my holiday leftover fabric at
a minimum.

1 comment:

  1. That quilt is really pretty. I like the fabric you used on the back.
    I bought fabric to make Halloween masks but still haven't made them. I guess I better get busy.
    The Christmas quilts look great.
