Sunday, November 1, 2020

1st Day of November

I pulled the "Note to Self" from a Facebook post.
It is food for thought as we head into the holiday season.
The two quilt tops {this one and the one below} are going to 
be donated to Outreach.  I'm betting Chris will make the decision
the pink top will be perfect for a donation to the Breast Center.

The Christmas Cactus plant was a hostess gift from a neighbor
 last year when we had our Eve-Eve party.  I'm sad but there
will be no Thanksgiving or Eve-Eve party this year.

The print fabric I picked up from the free table at a
Guild meeting last year. 

 The light gray fabric with the gold scratchy
lines was found on-line on sale for a $1.99/yard.
How could I not buy it!


  1. Hi Katie, Love the two quilts, yes the top one does look good for a breast cancer patient. We had a wonderful Christmas Party last year and had planned to do it again this year, but won't. Hope your pups are doing well. Have a great first week of November.

  2. I like that "note to self" Something to think about.
    That Christmas cactus is beautiful.
