Sunday, March 19, 2023

37 Yards of Xmas!


When I came home from a night at my sisters I had this
stack of 37 yards of Xmas fabric waiting for me.  All are 1
yard cuts and were shipped directly from the factory in Korea. 
By shipping this way it gives the brand ambassadors
an extra month to have our projects done and submitted.


I decided to do my 'unboxing' pictures' and send them in
to get this step out of the way.


This collection is my favorite.  I love the gingerbread cats.

Test blocks from the collection Paws for America.
I'm trying decide if I want solid black fabric between the flags
or the blue stars you see here ... then there is always white. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that's a lot of fabric. Hard to think Christmas though when it's only March.
