Friday, August 23, 2024

"Mermaid Tails" is now Complete


"Mermaid Tails" is so darn cute. I'm happy
it was sent to me to work with.
After these get back from Scott and his video-taping
I already know the little girl who will be receiving these
as a surprise in the mail.
I scalloped the edges around the quilt to give it 'motion'.

A close-up of the standard size pillowcase.
The second quilt made from a 'go-to' pattern.
Scott sent me the white swirl fabric but it didn't have a name
printed on the savage which I thought was strange.  

My zinnia's are going gang busters this year and the
yellow finches are having a field day pecking at them.

Next up ... "Cobalt Seas"

1 comment:

  1. Adorable. Any little girl would love that. I really love the second quilt. I think because the pattern on the end fabric reminds me of Pioneer Woman
