Sunday, June 5, 2011

A Birthday Box from Ms. Kelly

 Derby is totally bored today and now is the perfect time to bring out the box of birthday goodies Ms. Kelly sent in the mail for Derby's birthday.
... A Box Full of Birthday Goodies ... 
Kelly is a Facebook friend who reads this blog from time to time.  She is anxiously awaiting the day when she'll go and pick out her little male westie pup.  His name will be Chuy and Kelly is planning a blog site just for him.  How exciting!
 Derby & Julep take a big bite out of the bone shaped birthday cookie.
 They love this and want more ... more ... more!
 Julep would have taken her half and gladly chomped away at it ... but don't worry, we'll be saving this and giving it out in portions over the next several days.
 We love Ms. Kelly for sending us this special treat!
Woof-Woof & Westie Kisses To You.
 Derby has a tiny mouth and I finally had to break some off for him.
 Still trying to take a bite!

 No stopping Julep from taking as big as a bite as possible.  That's my girl!
 ... Now all the presents ... 
Derby loves the tennis ball with the squirrel tail which has a squeaker in it.

 Julep checked out the other two toys but secretly wants what Derby has.
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Thank you Kelly for making Derby's birthday ever so special.
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  1. What a wonderful birthday box!! And I'm giggling terribly over the fact that Miss Julep take a big mouthful, while Derby takes a miniature bite. That's pretty much how things work in my house too. Only it's me taking the big bite :)

  2. that is some birthday cookie. What a lucky Westie. Cool toy too. I bet Duke would have fun with that squirrel tail
