Thursday, February 2, 2012

Who Doesn't Love 70 Degrees in February!

 Who doesn't love 70 degrees in February
on the eastern shore of Maryland?

It was to lovely to stay inside ... so I took the westies
for a car ride to Easton to drop off  6 photographs
we're entering in an exhibit hosted by the
Talbot County Visual Arts Center called
The Language of Flowers. 
Then it was back to St. Michaels for a sniff-around 
and walk around the park and harbour area.
 I'm ready to go ... I want to go now ...
Get me out of this house!
We're going for a walk & we're totally excited! 

 Hurry up Julep ... you're impeding my walk!
 Mine ... Mine ... Mine
Let me at that furry little thing.
 Here squirrelly ... squirrelly ... squirrelly
 Now that the squirrel has moved on to bigger and better  things
it's one more time around the park and harbour
for the westies before we head home.
Sunrise Over Leadenham Creek 
Who doesn't love a beautiful sunrise?
The Moon 
While taking photo's of the geese and canvasbacks
from the dock I saw the moon so I snapped one
photo not knowing if it would turn out.
The honkers are making their way to the cove on the other side
of our neighbors dock where they will settle in for the night.
 Canvasback Ducks
Hundreds have landed and are in the upper part of
our creek slowly making their way past our dock.


  1. You guys are just too cute! Hope you got your squirrel all straightened out! BOL

    Beautiful sunrise and the moonshot is much detail!

  2. I'm enjoying the mild temps here in RI too!! Glad you discovered my blog! You would have to add it manually to follow via google. Thanks so much!!!

  3. I just love these falling flowers, I know I have said it before! Enjoy those warm temps!

  4. Cool hearts, Wow 70! We are seeing flakes!
