Sunday, October 29, 2017

A Little of This & That

 I have 4 rows of the bird blocks done and can't wait
to finish this so I can pick it up from the floor.
There is another project laying on the floor as well but
I'm still trying to decide on the layout.    
The doll panel is pressed and ready to cut out.  To the left
of the panel is the stack of quilts I need to finish.
 Our neighbor [Sarah] came over yesterday to pick up a
few small things I made for her grand daughters
birthday.  She spotted this quilt on the ironing board and
expressed how much she liked it so ... it's new
home will be just down the street.

 Getting on to Lil Red by Moda.
The doll quilts were the easiest part of the panel.
It was a challenge to sew, flip and press these pieces.
I'm not great at sewing curves and the poor little boys ears
are not as rounded as I would have liked. 
 This is part of the panel.
 I managed to stuff the legs on the left doll which warranted 
a break.  It was a pain to get the stuffing down the legs which
took me a longer than I expected.  Once the legs are stuffed you
do a simple row of stitching between the legs and the body
so the doll can sit.  Next up is stuffing the arms then the
body.  From there you hand-sew the opening closed.
I did make the cape and need to finish the skirts, 
pillows, and little animals as well as stuff two more dolls.
Between all the various projects I managed to complete the rest of the
bird blocks.  I really need to start on Cole's winter quilt for
when they come here for Thanksgiving.  I also plan to start
pulling out the Xmas boxes and have the house decorated by
next weekend.  This is a big project to do that will take
a lot of stress out of the rest of the holiday season.


  1. Happy Sunday, As always I admire your quilts! O.k. so just have to say I'm in love with your Bird blocks, That will look wonderful; great border fabrics.

  2. I love those bird blocks. I always hated making things that needed to be stuffed. It seemed like I could never get them stuffed well.

  3. Your little helpers seem busy! ;P The bird blocks are stunning, especially the cardinals for Christmas. The doll quilt is so cute, too.
