Thursday, April 26, 2018

Around The Backyard

 The landscapers came a few days ago and did an excellent
job getting the beds weeded and mulched.  It was also our
year to have the field behind our home bush hogged. 

 Then there was only 5 - it seems we lost 2 of the goslings.
 I put the birdbath back in the bed after the landscapers finished.
 These were planted in the fall and have
filled out nicely with the warm weather.

 Weeping Red Bud tree.

 Looking for seed from the feeder in the grass.
 A stray goose hanging around the ponds which makes 
the parents of the goslings upset.
 Wilson sprung for two new bird feeders this years.
 Blue bird.
 The last cherry trees is blooming.
Viburnum ... a very fragrant flower.