Friday, November 23, 2018

A Few Photo's From Thanksgiving

 The guest bedroom is ready for Daisy.  I wanted her
to have a festive new holiday quilt for her bedroom
back home in Brooklyn.

 My collection of needlepoint holiday pillows on display.
 I decorated the guest bathroom for Daisy.

 The dining room table.

 Our Thanksgiving dinner consisted of ... yummy turkey with stuffing,
corn pudding, mashed potato's, green beans, Parker House dinner
rolls, apple pie, pumpkin pie, chocolate chip cookies and
Danish Kringle.  Everyone left the table happy and stuffed.
 Derby hoping some of that turkey accidentally falls on the floor.
 Beautiful Daisy
She was craving Kraft Mac & Cheese because she can't
find it in the small grocery stores in Brooklyn.  This is something
I can buy and mail to her on occasion.

 The dining room table was set simply but
yet had an elegant flair to it.

 After everyone left the westies crashed and burned for
the night.  They had turkey and green beans as a treat.
Today we will take Daisy shopping for some warm clothes.
I want to get her a new winter coat, gloves, socks, etc.
She rides her bike to work in all types of weather
which I think is crazy.


  1. Your table looks beautiful and I love the way you have those ornaments hanging above the center of it.
    I can't believe there are stores that don't carry kraft mac n cheese. Must not be popular in Brooklyn. She's brave riding her bike in the winter. I wouldn't want to do it.
    Julep and Derby look exhausted from all the holiday fun

  2. Ann sent me over to have a peek - your décor is beautiful. I like how you displayed your needlepoint pieces.
