Monday, November 30, 2020

Sewing For Xmas Gifts

Since there is no place to go and no one to see
. . .  let me sew, sew, sew!
The table runners are going into the gift bags
for the ladies at Julep & Derby's vet's office.

I made this one for the vet ... who knows if his wife
will like it or even want to use it.
A basket of mini stuffed terriers.
25 mini stockings are going to the vet office that my
newphew's girlfriend works at.  I have a big bag of
stuff for her to take in and distribute.
Masks for J&D's vet staff.

I needed something for the girls at my dentists office so
I whipped these up.  I'm filling them with various chocolate
 {I know ... who takes candy to a dental office?} ... I do!
Thanks for stopping by.
Stay safe and stay home if you possibly can.


  1. I see my mask which arrived today ~ I love it the gray matches my sweaters I will look so fashionable. Thank You so much for your kindness.
    Wills & Lee

  2. You are sewing up a storm. Everything looks so wonderful.

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