Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Preliminary Easter Project Photo's

Festive Easter Table Runner
I took a few preliminary Easter photo's  yesterday to see
how the items photographed.  I know I'm late in turning
these in but I can't image them being posted to social
media until after Xmas.
Wall Hanging with Stuffed Easter Bunnies
I really struggled working with the Easter theme
at this time of year.
It's hard to tell in the photo but I spent more time than
usually quilting this wall hanging.
The Wall Hanging
For fun I added prairie points to the top/bottom and 
hand sewed tiny orange buttons on the top of each point.
With the small amount of leftover fabric I can 
squeeze out a few more stuffed bunnies. 
The Easter baby quilt is my favorite!
Back to the Xmas Season
I would like to make a few more simple scrappy
Xmas quilts to give as gifts.  This is a great way for me
to use my leftover fabric plus it will get back into the 
spirit of the Christmas holidays.

1 comment:

  1. These are all cute. I can imagine it would have been hard to work on Easter when Christmas is all around you.
