Monday, June 10, 2024

Catching Up


I finished 80 medium size Xmas stockings for the kids at
The Child's Haven.  I'll mail them in a few weeks.
I started working on small stockings for the Guild's 
Outreach group.  I have 10 done than ran out of labels.
I'll pick up more at the Wednesday meeting. 
40 are waiting to be completed and I'll probably 
do another 50 over the summer.
I love surprises!
3 yards of each all the way from Pakistan!
Jaftex takes good care of its Brand Ambassadors.
Scott sent me a jelly roll and I decided to make a mail slot
quilt.  I pulled this background fabric and it's really, really
From boring to really cute!
It's not a great photo so another one will be posted later.
Two quilts are waiting to be quilted and this will be the
third one in line.
This is the pillowcase pattern from the Sew It Yourself website.
The beginning of prairie points for the sides of this
 dinosaurs quilt.  I'm hoping this will look like
the scales that some dinosaurs have along the back.

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