Saturday, January 14, 2017

Not Much New Here

 It's been really quite around here so I have nothing much
[or exciting] to report on.  Sorry about that.
 I'm working my way through Valentine's Day fabric.
The two quilted pictured here will go out to California.  
I re-connected with the daughter of my former boss 
who now has two little girls - ages 5 and 3.  They are adorable 
and a little to young for American Girl dolls [I did ask].
 Simple blocks = lots of sewing hours!
4-1/2" rectangles with a 2-1/2" square attached.
I changed the layout from the original pattern by adding
sashing strips.  I tend to like it better this way.
 Derby aka Bird Boy
A Facebook friends asked me several months ago
to make her a quilt for an upcoming specialty event.  This is
it but I must have deleted the e-mail so I can't remember who
made that request.  None the less it's done and ready to go
once I know who to send it to.
 This is vintage fabric and no longer in print.
 Today I put all the quilts together with batting and spray bond.
I have 6 quilts to quilt which will take me a few days.
I'm not sure if I'll ever get this one done.  It's a panel I
purchased several years ago.   Guess I'll add strips around
the borders until I get it the size I want.
... Julep ... 
On my new winter forest quilt.
Wake me up when it's spring!
I've been pretty bored around here ... and you know what happens
when Katie is bored ...  She orders fabric!  I'm excited to have
package deliveries to look forward to over the next week.  
Three of my trusty on-line fabric stores are all having
 really good sales [as I knew they would] so the timing 
couldn't be better.  


  1. It's been quiet around here too. This time of year always is. Love all the quilts and the one with the Westies is awesome. Hope you figure out who asked for it.

  2. Hi Katie, Love all your quilts-I do have a question for you though. I made about 8 table runners over Christmas and used spray adhesive-loved it, actually machine quilted the runners-it was so easy. However a week ago my machine got really noisy, so I took it into the store to be checked. Apparently the bobbin area was gunk'd up and filled with lint. I realized I had been using the spray adhesive. Have you ever had this experience? I really loved the ease of using it, but don't want to cause issues with my machine. Thanks for any wisdom.
