Tuesday, January 17, 2017

 Bozman Sunrise
Another trip down memory lane thanks to Facebook.
 Isn't this lap quilt adorable?  I'm glad Lee sent
me a message with a reminder that I promised a quilt
for a westie event in Kentucky in the spring.
Just waiting for mailing instructions to ship this 
one off.  I hope it does well since this is vintage
fabric and no longer in print.
I do like the colors in the back fabric which blend
nicely with the front blocks.  
I picked up a few pieces of fabric from the free table
at the guild meeting.  Here is Derby giving them a good 
sniff-over.  I've already cut the fabric into blocks and
more than likely it will eventually be made into a 
small quilt and given back to Outreach.
Well, I can finally say I'm sick!  Started yesterday
afternoon and I'm pretty miserable today.  Head,
sinus, and throat but I'm thankful it's not the flu.
I have zero energy to sew so you know I'm
not a happy camper.

1 comment:

  1. What a pretty sunrise. Sorry you're sick. Fell better soon
