Wednesday, September 2, 2020

30 Kid's Masks


The Finished Mask
I haven't mentioned that Blogger has a new platform which I don't
like at all.  When I take pictures from my computer into Blogger they
are download from the first photo to the last photo which is the way
the old Blogger would actually post them onto my new post page.
In the new format for some reason Blogger takes the last
photo and makes it the first photo on my new page.
I'm not happy about this at all!
So what this means is ... instead of me showing the steps of a
project from the beginning to the end it shows the end to the beginning.
I know there must be a way to change the order but I haven't figured it out yet.
The Child's Haven requested more masks for the kids so I sent them two different
sizes to see which one worked better.  The smallest of the two is what
they felt worked the best for the age kids they have.
Making masks is an okay project until you have to set the elastic 
in place on the sides then it becomes a little tedious.
I'm hoping 30 kids masks will hold them for a period of time. 
While I know they must have other sewers supporting the school
I also know you can never have enough of anything when it
comes to school age kids.  

1 comment:

  1. I'm not crazy about the new blogger.
    30 masks is a lot. You are so generous sharing the things you make
