Thursday, December 24, 2020

Happy Xmas Eve & We Have Geese!


This year our Xmas decorations are pretty simple.  No big tree
just the two pencil trees by the fireplace.  Hopefully, next year
will be different and we will be able to be with family and friends.
Every year the community bush-hogs around one pond [we have 3].
This is to keep sapling trees [& everything else] from taking
over & blocking views.  This year it was the pond we
directly face.  I love the view when it's our ponds turn. 
There are two miles of walking paths that the residents use.
I never take the westies walking on them because they are
full of ticks [even in the winter].
To the left ... another pond the geese are heading for.
A Junco in the tree.  We have a small flock and I think Derby
ate one after a window hit.  He must have been a
cat in another life.

The march of the geese.
This is only part of the flock.  Another group is on the pathway & pond
over to the right of our backyard.
The geese were not happy I was out there taking photo's.
This is the center pond we look directly at.  There are 
several  guys who love to go fishing - it's catch & release.
The take off for another feeding area.

Wishing you a happy Xmas Eve!

1 comment:

  1. Your trees look beautiful.
    That's a lot of geese you have visiting.
    Have a Merry Christmas
