Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Yard Update

Much to my surprise I spotted a flock of Cedar Waxwings
hanging out in the top of our front yard tree.
While these are not to clearest pictures I did my best to
during the snow storm.
I love these birds and it was a real treat to see them.  Last
time I saw a flock was when we were living in Bozman.
They were eating berries off our two big holly trees.
I counted over 50 Waxwings.

This morning I spotted Bafflehead ducks in the
center pond.  Last time they were chased out of the pond
by a pair of resident mallards.
The different stages of flight ... geese.
It's another gray day with a chance of more bad weather
so this is why all the pictures are drab.
Males and female Buffleheads.
Who knows what I'll spot next in the ponds!


  1. Wow, that's quite a flock of birds. How nice to have them stop for a visit.

  2. We love watching the little birds also. The little black cap chickadees perhaps are our favorite. Yesterday we took pictures also and when we looked at them the grayish day made the pictures look black and white. Love your pictures.
    Sweet William The Scot
