Monday, March 15, 2021

A Bunch of Bunny Business


It's that time of year to make lots and 
lots and lots of bunnies.
These are tiny little guys that fit into your palm.

I've made big bunnies and I've little bunnies and
I've made no bunnies in between.

The big bunnies.
Bunnies in the window on this sunny day.
My favorites are these tiny little guys.

I love these so much I don't want to give them away ...
I want to keep every single one which is so unlike me.

I have 16 of this style bunny ready to pass along to Chris 
who in turn will to take them to the Talbot Interfaith Center
 which houses the homeless.  Chris mentioned last
week they have 16 kids plus parents.  I'm also giving
her a stack of pillowcases to take over as well.
I'm just about finished bunny making for this
year and it's time to move on to the golf themed
fabric I was sent.  I still haven't figured out
what to do with that collection.


  1. Those are adorable!! My momma may have to try making some bunnies.

  2. These are all so cute. Those little ones are simply adorable.
