If you think it was me getting a new machine you're wrong
... but meet the little girl that did!
Two weeks ago Scott at Jaftex offered each
brand ambassador a sewing machine. We could keep
it, give it to a family member or a friend.
I wasn't going to request a machine unless I
could find someone that needed one. Then I thought of
Lou. She is a guild member and is deeply involved in 4-H.
Lou and several guild members are teaching the 4-H kids
to sew in a series of three Saturday classes.
So e-mails were sent back and forth between Lou and I.
Lou said she had 3 girls that could use a machine.
She needed to pick one and this is the little girl Lou
picked to receive the machine.
Today I went as a class helper and so after the
class ended she and mother were presented
with the sewing machine. [Her mom knew what
we were planning but her daughter did not.]
How fun was that!
In addition I gave her 9 yards of fabric for practice.
I'm hoping she will continue sewing after the
classes are over.
How exciting for that little girl. I bet she was thrilled.